Livestock theft an economical and emotional crime
The National Priority Committee : Rural Safety at a meeting held on 12 March 2019 requested the National Stock Theft Prevention Forum to once again urge all role players within…
The National Priority Committee : Rural Safety at a meeting held on 12 March 2019 requested the National Stock Theft Prevention Forum to once again urge all role players within…
Die Nasionale Prioriteitskomitee: Landelike Veiligheid het tydens ‘n vergdering wat op 12 Maart 2019 gehou was, die Nasionale Veediefstal Voorkomingsforum versoek om weer ‘n beroep op alle rolspelers te doen…
Stock theft in KwaZulu-Natal is a major problem that is hampering the prosperity of farmers in the province. The Kwa Sani area was one of the ‘hotspot’ areas and for…