Unsatisfactory investigation
All the departments, institutions and agencies involved in the case, attempt to provide a high standard of service, but sometimes things can go wrong. When that happens, the departments, institutions and agencies want to know what has happened.
Certain steps can be taken if, during the investigation into the stock theft incident, you are dissatisfied with the SAPS about
- the manner in which you were treated
- the information you have received
- the decisions that were taken
Submit a complaint about a police official, or police policy, practice or procedure by writing to the station commissioner.
If the complaint relates to property that went missing or was damaged while in possession of the police, compensation can be claimed. Direct any queries to the station commissioner.
If the problem is not resolved satisfactorily, also approach the area commissioner of the police station concerned with details of the claim. If the complaint still is not dealt with in a satisfactory manner, contact the office of the Public Protector (see Chapter 6 for contact details).
If the complaint is still not dealt with satisfactorily, approach the Independent Complaints Directorate (see Chapter 6 for contact details), but note that this office may only be approached about complaints relating to alleged criminal behaviour or misbehaviour by members of the Metro Police Service and members of the SAPS who fail to do their duty.